Make Multimedia Accessible

Accessible Multimedia

UBC Best Practices

  • Enable closed captioning – When including streaming or recorded video in a course, allow students to turn closed captioning on and off. Closed captioning lets students read verbal content as it is being shared.
  • Provide a transcript – When including video or audio content in a course, create and share a transcript of the verbal content. The transcript can be posted alongside recorded multimedia, or it can be uploaded after a live streaming event.

Step-by-step help for accessible multimedia

Select the tool you are using to create or edit multimedia content to apply accessibility best practices to your multimedia. You can also explore the general UBC accessibility FAQs for more guidance.


Enable closed captioning in Canvas

  1. Kaltura is a media platform for creating and sharing media content in Canvas. First, add media in Canvas with Kaltura.
  2. Then, you can add captions to the media using Kaltura.

Provide a transcript in Canvas

  1. When you add captions using Kaltura a transcript is also created. To make the transcript available to students, share the media in your Canvas course by adding it to the course repository. Once shared to the course repository (known as the “Media Gallery”) students can access both the transcript and the media captions.

Enable closed captioning in Zoom?

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal with your UBC Zoom credentials.
  2. Select Settings in the left navigation menu and then click Meeting at the top of the page.
  3. Scroll to the “Automated captions” (or search for this) and make sure the toggle is on (blue).

Provide a transcript in Zoom

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal with your UBC Zoom credentials.
  2. Select Settings in the left navigation menu and then click Meeting at the top of the page.
  3. Scroll to “Full transcript” (or search for this) and make sure the toggle is on (blue). To enable saving a transcript for sharing after the session, also turn on the “Save captions” toggle.

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